Friday, May 8, 2015

Math Workshop

Today I am writing about Math Workshop.

This year was the first year I implemented a Math Workshop model.  I thought I would hate it; but as it turns out, I love it!

Let me explain how it works.

Our math block is one hour long.  So, we start with a 5 minute problem.  I use the Anytime problems from Math Expressions.  I put it up on the Smartboard and the kids solve it.  Then we share.

After that, we meet on our carpet area.  We go over the learning target and what they should be doing at each math rotation.  Then they go to their seats for a quick mini- lesson.  After that, are the rotations.  The rotations are 10 minutes long.  They go like this;

M- Math Facts
A- At Your Seat
T- Teacher Group
H- Hands On

The students are in 4 groups according to ability level.  The groups are as follows:

Pink square- high group
Blue triangle- middle/high
Green triangle- on grade level
Orange circle- low group

I use the colors/shapes that match the Math Expressions curriculum.  That way I can use their already made stuff.

My math rotations look like this:

The way it works, my high group starts with their seat work.  That way they can be challenged to figure it out on their own.  The low group starts with math facts, then comes to teacher group.  I usually re-teach the lesson and get them started on their seatwork.  Then they go to their seats.  The pink group is the last group I see, and that way I can check over their work to see what they understand and need to be taught.  That way I am differentiating to the low and the high groups!  It works really well.

Well... that's all for now!  Later I will explain exactly what I do for math facts and the hands on centers.  You are going to want to hear about that- it has been really successful in my room.  Also, I have a great quick and easy way to do a check for understanding at the end.

:) Nala Bella

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