As teachers, we need our summers to rejuvenate ourselves and re-energize! So, I joined this Linky party all about guilty pleasures. I'm not sure if mine are really guilty pleasures, or just my favorite things- either way I love them and enjoy them in the summer!

Check out my YouTube video about this blog post! Click here.
1. Carepost. This stuff is my absolute favorite! I always run out during the school year and forget to order more. As soon as summer hits, I order away! It goes on like eyeliner, before your make up. I put one drop in the cap and that works for both eyes. After about 2 weeks you will notice your eye lashes growing. After about 4-6 weeks, you will notice a huge difference! The results max out at 4 months. Trust me- this stuff is amazing and works so well. Everybody thinks my eyelashes are fake- but they are 100% real! Plus it's only like $29.99- and one bottle lasts me almost 6 months! You can order it here: click here.
2. Icon 24K hair masque. This stuff is AMAZING! I love it. You can use it many different ways. I like to put a ton in my hair, put my hair in a bun, and take a long hot bath (with a glass of wine of course).
During the school year I just can't find the time to do that! It makes your hair soooo silky. You can get it here: click here.
During the school year I just can't find the time to do that! It makes your hair soooo silky. You can get it here: click here.
It has a strong scent- kinda like cologne-but don't let that detour you. It's worth it! Plus I can't smell it after I dry my hair.
3. Kiss Nails. I love getting my nails done-but let's face it, on a teacher's salary that is real luxury! Plus, during the school year my nails just get torn up. I found these Kiss Nails at Walgreens. I buy the Real Short French nails. They are super easy- you just glue them on. Surprisingly- they stay really well! I like short nails, so I get the real short.
4. Milk Shake Leave in conditioner. I am obsessed with this stuff! It smells so yummy. Now that I have tons of time- I spray it on during the day and brush away! It is a guilty pleasure. :)
It de-tangles my hair and protects my hair from heat. I use it when I get out of the shower, after I dry my hair, and any time I think I need it! I just love how it smells and how it makes my hair soft. It's a little pricey for leave in conditioner, but I splurge on this one. Here's the Amazon link: click here.
It de-tangles my hair and protects my hair from heat. I use it when I get out of the shower, after I dry my hair, and any time I think I need it! I just love how it smells and how it makes my hair soft. It's a little pricey for leave in conditioner, but I splurge on this one. Here's the Amazon link: click here.
5. Sinfully Soft lotion by Blend Skin Care. I can't express how much I love this lotion! It's a tan extending lotion, but I use it because it makes my skin so soft. I usually use Eucerin Intensive Repair lotion, but this makes my skin 10 times softer! You get it at At The Beach tanning salons. Or, if you are cheap like me, you can sometimes find used bottles on Ebay or Poshmark.
It has a nice scent and doesn't leave you feeling greasy. Plus, it's summer- so it helps your tan stay longer! Here's the Poshmark link that I used to buy mine for only $18: click here.
That's the only place online I have found it. If you find it somewhere, please please please comment below! I think to buy it you have to go to the tanning salon and I suspect it's at least $50. Grrrrr..... I don't want to tan, I just want this lotion!
It has a nice scent and doesn't leave you feeling greasy. Plus, it's summer- so it helps your tan stay longer! Here's the Poshmark link that I used to buy mine for only $18: click here.
That's the only place online I have found it. If you find it somewhere, please please please comment below! I think to buy it you have to go to the tanning salon and I suspect it's at least $50. Grrrrr..... I don't want to tan, I just want this lotion!

I can't find it online. I might just have to cave and try something new....
Well, those are my 5 guilty pleasures! Sometimes I sell my clothes on Ebay so I can splurge on these.... LOL. What are your 5 guilty pleasures? Tell me in the comments below!
Also, make sure you follow my blog! I am off to deep condition my hair and extend my tan... Happy Summer!

Nala Bella :)
Nothing wrong with some pampering for the summer! Love your guilty pleasures! Thanks for linking up! :-)
The Craft of Teaching