Last week of school freebie!
For this week only, I am offering a freebie!
I created this last year as an end of year activity. I always struggle with the last few days of school. The kids know report cards are done and I still need to keep the kids on task and working. So, I came up with this Beach Ball idea!
The kids had so much fun with this activity! I gave them one side at a time, so they were super excited to find out what the next activity was.
Also, we had a beach party on the last day of school. Kids brought beach towels to sit on, sunglasses and hats to wear, and we had a water fight!
We turned our classroom into a "beach."
Then, on the last day of school, we had a water fight!
We filled baby pools with water and the kids brought in big sponges. They threw the sponges at each other. It was entertaining! I was drenched too, of course!
We spent time outside signing autographs and working on our beach ball activities.
I did this with my 5th graders; but you could modify this for any grade. I plan on doing it with my 6th graders next year.
The End of Year Beach Ball Activity consists of 12 activities for your students to do. Each one is a side of a ball. When assembled, all 12 sides make a "beach ball." You should fold each side up on the pentagon lines, then staple together.
If you aren't sure how to put it together, search Youtube using the search term: "bloom ball."
I created this as a last day of school activity.
There is a side for each subject. Here is what I was thinking:
1. Bucket List: This is a list of 10 things you want to do this summer.
2. Surfing Summary- you could do anything with this one. I'm going to find an article that is beach related and have them read it and summarize it.
3. Catch the Reading Wave they interview their friends and make a list of 5 books they want to read this summer.
4. Flip Flop Fun-On this side they list their favorite things about 5th grade.
5. Volleying for Verbs-They list their favorite verbs on this side. You could even do a mini-lesson on word choice.
6. Sunny Stories-on this side they list all the books they have read in class this year.
7. Chilling at the Beach-they define 10 beach related words.
8. The Magic School Bus Goes to Mussel Beach-This video is about 28 minutes long. They will watch it and then answer the 4 questions. I found this video on discovery streaming.
9. Multiplying Beach Bugs-They will write a story problem using beach related ideas and solve it.
10. Dividing Coconuts-They will write a division story proble m and solve it. They use beach themed words and ideas.
11. Sinking Cinquain-They will write a cinquain poem. It could be about whatever you want. I am going to have them write one about the beach.
12. Class autograph page-it's exactly what it says. Students who finish all 12 sides will get to do something fun at the end of the day. I am going to have them have a water fight. My class parents are bringing in baby pools and sponges. They can throw the sponges at each other. Also, kids are bringing their beach towels, sunglasses, and other beach supplies. We are going to have a picnic lunch outside and they can sit on their towels.
If you like it, follow me on Teachers Paying Teachers! Oh- and follow my blog. :)
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As a teacher starting out in the blogging or Teachers Pay Teachers, and social media world you are constantly watching your followers and hoping they grow! Every one is a celebration! You celebrate each little milestone. That is what we are going to do here this week with a blog hop full of freebies and giveaways! My Teachers Pay Teachers store has reached a mini milestone of 100 followers!!!! And my FB page is right there too! So I decided to create a new freebie to share but what's better than ONE freebie? ELEVEN freebies and giveaways too!
Ten other wonderful TPT sellers/bloggers have generously agreed to blog hop with me and offer up a freebie and in some cases a giveaway as well!
The way this works is you will hop from blog to blog to get each freebie! You can also click the raffle copter on ANY blog. Of course we would also love it if you would comment, share and leave us feedback! We are hoping this will grow us as bloggers and give you a chance to get to know us!
Here is a complete list of blogs participating in case you get lost!
a Rafflecopter giveaway